1. Is the person claiming the revelation
acting within the bounds of his or her respective stewardship?
Was Abinadi acting within the bounds of his
priesthood stewardship when he criticized the priests of Noah? Did he possess
the correct priesthood position to do such, or was he acting upon revelation?
How about the prophet Amos, who said that “the
Lord God will do nothing save he reveal his words to his servants, the prophets”?
Did Amos fit within the priesthood hierarchy, or was he criticizing it from
without? Is priesthood authority and stewardship necessary to be considered a prophet?
And Lehi? Was he at the head of the priesthood
in Jerusalem, or was he criticizing people from without his priesthood
stewardship? Doesn’t the Book of Mormon say that there were many other
prophets, too, who condemned the people at that time? If the church were ever
to be in apostasy today, would God be able to reveal it to those who only have
the stewardship, or would he reveal it to those outside of the structure? (look
into Denver Snuffer.)
Is the person receiving the revelation
worthy to receive such?
judges whether or not someone is worthy? Is anyone ever actually “worthy”
before God?
b. Have prophets ever done things we now consider to make people
unworthy? Did they still receive revelation?
Is the communication in harmony with the
standard works and teachings of the prophets?
Are the standard works and teachings of the
prophets as a whole in harmony with each other? Are there any contradictions or
discrepancies? What do those teach us about the nature of revelation?
Does the revelation edify or instruct?
Can untruth edify? Can lies instruct? “Artists
use lies to tell the truth…”—V for Vendetta. Is there a difference between revelation
and art?
b. Do different things edify different people?
Does the communication build a person’s
faith and strengthen commitment?
Is a person’s faith or commitment truly in the
right thing? If not, then wouldn't a true revelation alter a person’s faith or
Nice! One more question to ask: Am I seeking truth, or am I just seeking to maintain the status quo?